The European Integrity Games partners met online on 11 and 18 December 2020 for the second project partner meeting. The aim of this meeting was to bring the partners together after a period of interruption due to the health crisis. It was an opportunity to get together and discuss the situation of each other. Secondly, it was important to discuss the progress of the project, which had been disrupted by…
The European Integrity Games project, supported by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, enters this week a new phase of its development. The project This project, which associates 6 European artistic companies, aims to question the notions of integrity, corruption and fraud in our society, through the design of role-playing games – escape games and interactive fictions. The project will tackle 3 main themes: integrity in the digital age, governing with integrity and…
European Integrity Games (supported by Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships) associates the Transplanisphere with a Collective project Sciences Po. From October 2019 to March 2020, 3 Master students worked with Bruno Freyssinet (artistic director of the company’s projects) on the design of an escape game questioning blockchain and cryptocurrencies (bitcoins). The SciencesPo group was made up of Nora Roeders (DE), Aleksander Pappalardo (It-Pl) and Ester Davanzo (It). The game scenario benefited…
From January 20 to January 22, the Sciences Po collective Project dedicated to European Integrity Games (supported by Erasmus+) gathered for a writing session. 3 students of Master degree was associated with Bruno Freyssinet, artistic director of Transplanisphere, to develop the first draft of an escape game questioning blockchain and cryptocurrencies (bitcoins). The SciencesPo group was made of Nora Roeders (DE), Aleksander Pappalardo (It-Pl) and Ester Davanzo (It). Frédéric Devic,…
The European Integrity Games project, supported by the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership program, has officially been launched. Six European theatre companies will create interactive games together, based on theatrical techniques, to enable European citizens to take ownership of integrity issues. The next partners meeting will take place in January 2020 in Evora (Portugal). A group of students from Sciences Po Paris is also working on the project (Collective Project Master…
Focus on Food Chains Your food takes a long path from its production to your table. Food chains are the complex journeys food products undertake before consumption. From protected and patented seeds, to convoluted transport systems involving many stop-offs and changing of hands, by plane, boat, or train, often our food comes to us through a long chain of production originating half-way around the world, when sometimes we could get…
Focus on Healthcare Communication (A lot of) communication and (some) fake news on drugs and health are encountered daily in social media. The health sector is centred on integrity – or often the lack of it. Communication and fake news on health matters are of interest to not only political and social organisations but also private companies, particularly in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. We must not forget the huge…
Focus on Integrity in Civil Services Should we fight against the corruption itself, or against the politician who corrupts? It is a question often heard in this debate. However, it is also necessary to consider how corruption develops “on-the-ground”. Where does it come from? How is an officer of the law tempted away from integrity and why? Integrity must be safeguarded from the bottom-up, just as much as by politicians…
Focus on the Perception of Corruption Given that corruption often occurs behind closed doors, measuring it presents a constant challenge. Surveys most often rely on the perceptions of citizens as a primary indicator of corruption, such as Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index and the World Bank’s Control of Corruption. Commonly, a sample group is interviewed and asked to respond to questions such as: “Do you think corruption is particularly widespread…
Focus on the CumEx Files The notorious case of the CumEx Files can teach us valuable lessons about the use of technology to combat fraud and corruption. Published in October 2018 by a cooperation of newspapers from eleven countries, the CumEx files (CXF) refers to a media investigation into the biggest case of tax fraud in European history. For more information see The CumEx case involves a strategy of…