Lobbying games Event

Lobbying games Event

The event to promote the Lobbying 3D game and boardgame took place in Rocca Sinibalda in Italy, the 19 August 2022. It took place in the framework of the 4th Political Theatre Festival of Rocca Sinibalda and it was organised by Teatro Rigodon
The event took place in the framework of the 4th Political Theatre Festival of Rocca Sinibalda, which allowed to reach a wider audience. The Festival, which lasts from July to August, gathers every year a large number of participants, professionals, local, regional and national politicians, to exchange, reflect and discuss local and national issues related to the growth of a territory and its population, as well as integrity and the fight against any form of corruption.

The event was structured around three key moments:

Lobbying games presentation


This boardgame is designed in a hybrid way, crossing physical and digital elements, and mixing escape game and board game logic.  The players will embody the role of an Italian village mayor. Their mission: to make a decision on whether or not to install wind turbines in the village and to give a public speech according to the decision made.
Through this game, they will learn about different lobbying mechanisms, their degree of integrity, legality and transparency, as well as different issues related to wind turbines.

3D Game

The game is inspired by Stanley Kubrick’s film Shinning. The players will experience the nightmare of a mayor invited to a wind turbine Congress in a large, almost deserted hotel. The players will have to make a final decision on whether to install wind turbines in your village.
The players will discover all about integrity, lobbying, wind turbines and corruption. They will have to search clues, talk to people, solve puzzle to make a decision at the end. 


The event brought together a total of 20 participants from local entities and 3 international participants. Most of the audience came from the public sector, the private sector and national and international organisations.
It gathered members of local cultural, artistic, civic, political and educational associations such as Associazione Teatro Immagini, KWS, Unimol, Fondazione Di Vittorio, Museo del Folle, Le Tre Porte, Undergraund, italiana somelier, Centro antiviolenza Angelita, Ygramul Teatro cult, Il Pipistrello, Circomare Orte and Arte del Suono.
The 3 international participants came from Amnesty International, WWF and Caritas. These audiences were therefore interested in the approach, members of international organisations working in areas related to integrity and the fight against corruption. They were interested in the project and the games as a way to raise awareness of the issues they address in their actions. The local associations were also interested in the serious games approach, in terms of art, pedagogy and civic engagement. They were all interested in the tools proposed in the project and likely to implement the games in their own activities, thus increasing their use and impact.

The event during the Political Theatre Festival, allowed a direct exchange with the participants present, and to reach a wider audience and a better visibility. A live streaming was conducted by Teatro Rigodon which positively impacted the event.


Public feedback on the event was very positive. The public learned more about the topics presented and enjoyed the games very much, finding them innovative, interesting, well-designed, educational and challenging. As a result, they appreciated the project’s approach and the games, and some of them would like to use them and help promote the project.
The event also strengthened the legitimacy of Teatro Rigodon in its local community and enriched their annual festival. The live streaming has also helped to further extend the impact and visibility of the project.
As a result, they appreciated the project’s approach and the games, and some of them would like to use them and help promote the project. The event also strengthened the legitimacy of Teatro Rigodon in its local community and enriched their annual festival. The live streaming has also helped to further extend the impact and visibility of the project.

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