Badass Daddy's Bitcoins 3D Game
- Themes: Integrity, money laundering, bitcoins, blockchain
- Type: Escape Game, investigation, puzzle
- Mission: Dive into the bitcoins world as you investigate the tracks of the Badass Daddy gang!
- Age: From 13 years old
- Duration: Around 45'
- Language: English and French
- Available on Windows and MacOS
The pitch

“You embody a member of Europol – Financial Fraud Section. Urgently contacted by the Athens Head Office, you are asked to join an important investigation into the activities of a notorious antiquities dealer named Badass Daddy…
Arrested a few months ago in Athens, it seems that he has been contacting members of his team to conduct transactions from his hideout in Paris, where you are. The Athens Head Office suspects Badass Daddy of trying to launder his illegal money via bitcoin transactions. If Badass Daddy’s gang manages to launder his money and get it back in cash, it will then be impossible to trace and recover.
The Athens Head Office thus gives you a mission of the greatest importance: go to Badass Daddy’s hideout, try to track down the illegal money and arrest the criminals before it’s too late.
Will you manage to thwart Badass Daddy’s plans and to trace the money in time?”
Here is the scenery of the game. Accompanied throughout the game by the Athens Head Office via some cinematics, you will be immersed in the bitcoins and money laundering worlds. You will have to find ans search the Badass Daddy’s hideout, look for clues and solve puzzles to find the money and arrest the criminals. Through this game, you will learn about blockchain, bitcoin and money laundering.
Pedagogical objectives
Discover the main principles of the Blockchain technology
Discover the crypto-currencies and especially Bitcoins
Understand the different phases of money laundering
Learn more about the concept of Layering via Bitcoins
Stimulate curiosity and interest in these social issues
Play the game
To play this game, simply download it on your computer!
The game is a first person adventure, you can move around with your keyboard and move the camera with your mouse. In the menu, you will be able to customise the commands and to choose the language you wish to play the game in, both English and French are available. To complete your experience, we offer a debriefing moment at the end of the game. This will allow you to express your opinion and feelings on the gaming experience but also review the knowledge you have explored! Additional information and resources are also available to dig deeper into the topics of bitcoin, blockchain and money laundering.
And now, it’s time to play and enjoy!
To go further in the learnings and topics explored:
Game created by La Transplanisphère (Paris) and Ohi Pezoume (Athens) as part of the European Integrity Games project
Artistic direction: Bruno Freyssinet
Artistic collaboration: Marion Pollet
Script and game design: Bruno Freyssinet, Odysseas Velentzas, Marion Pollet, Nora Röders, Aleksander Pappalardo, Ester Davanzo, Kennedy Cassy, Enzo Laverny, Théophile Gambarota
Voice acting: Nadia Siokou, George Sachinis, Bruno Freyssinet, Marion Pollet
Advisors: Frédéric Devic (Immersia – Escape Game Paris), Patrice Nadam and Mélanie Fenaert (Scape Collective), Pierre Noro (Sciences Po), Ikigai Games
Unity development and design: Enzo Laverny
Prototype development and design on Unity: Théophile Gambarota
Technical support: Nathan Bardin, Duc-Tri Vu and Thomas Planques from Ikigai Games
Software: Unity 3D
Assets: “First-person narrative adventures + complete puzzle engine” by Target Studio, Blazing Griffin, Maksim Bugrimov, Jasper Kense, Vitaly Tyavin, Oranged Keys, Purple Jump
Music: Scott Buckley – Titan and Kai Engel – Marée
Pictures: Pixabay – Chiaravi, Frank Nürnberger, Peter Dargatz, ceparedonda, Kranich17, Tilgnerpictures, suesun, Edi Nugraha, Pete Linforth, edmondlafoto, Leonhard Niederwimmer, Gonbiana, WikiImages, nonbirinonko, SofieLayla Thal, DEZALB, Wilfried Santer, Tamás Lieber, Leonid Radashkovsky, Greg Montani, Nadine Doerlé, Sammy-Williams
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to the people that have tested the game and gave feedback on it, including participants of the Blockchain European workshop – Anne Sturm, David Cassel, Klara Rousseau, Konstantinos Kekkas, Christoff Bleidt, Vasileios Liaskovitis, Hugo Coelho, Diogo Cinza, Julio Rebocho, Riccardo Benvenuti, Katerina Protonotariou and Amaia Cid – as well as Camille Gaumont and the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre team. Thanks also to the Lycée Albert Schweitzer, the OECD and the 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum for hosting our events to test and promote the game.
Funders: EIG benefits from the support of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership and the City of Paris.
European Integrity Games project has received the Paris-Europe Label 2021 from the City of Paris
