Badass Daddy's Bitcoins Escape Game

- Themes: Integrity, money laundering, bitcoins, blockchain
- Number of players: 3 to 8
- Age: From 13 years old
- Duration: 60' in total. 45' for the game and 15' for the debriefing
- Language: English and French
- Type: Escape Game, investigation, puzzle
The pitch
“You are a group of students from Europol – Financial Fraud section, the top team of future investigators fighting against corruption in the digital sector. Due to the adoption of a new law on Bitcoin transactions, you have to be trained in detecting money-laundering operations. For this training, you will be immersed in a real situation. In relation to the Athens Anti-Fraud Office, you will have to resolve a case of money laundering over 3 main missions.
To succeed, you will have to collaborate with each other, discover mysterious clues and solve many riddles. Will you manage to thwart Badass Daddy’s plans and to trace the money in time?”
Investigate the money laundering of 1 million bitcoins.
Trace the suspicious transactions.
Catch the Badass Daddy crew before it’s too late!
Here is the scenery of Badass daddy’s bitcoins game. During 45 minutes, the players will be immersed in the bitcoin and money laundering worlds. They will have to search the room, look for clues, solve the riddles and finally complete their final mission to win the game! Through this escape game, they will learn about blockchain, bitcoin and money laundering. A game master will be with the players to help them in their mission and lead a debriefing session after the game to reflect on learnings.

Pedagogical objectives

- Discover the main principles of the Blockchain technology
- Discover the crypto-currencies and especially Bitcoins
- Understand the different phases of money laundering
- Learn more about the concept of layering via Bitcoins
- Stimulate curiosity and interest in these social issues, with the aim of digging deeper via additional resources
The Escape Game Kit
To play this game with your group, simply download the kit below!
This kit allows anyone to use and play the escape game for free and without any previous knowledge required. It will guide you step by step to implement the escape game (preparation, installation, solutions…) and to facilitate the game by guiding you in your role as a game master. It includes all the necessary elements for the successful running of the game as well as some pedagogical elements on the blockchain, bitcoin and money laundering to go further in the learnings.
We offer 2 ways to play the game: physically in a room or at distance through a video-conference platform in a hybrid format. Instructions for both of these options are included.
This kit can be thought as a toolbox. It contains all the information you might need to implement the game including many tips and explanation. The idea is not necessarly to follow all the documents to the letter and in order. We rather suggest to navigate through the different elements proposed, and to consult the parts that interest you. Some parts in the Installation, Game Master Manual, and Debriefing Instructions are still essential to set up the game. Complementary documents are included in the “whole kit” folder.
If you want to give us a feedback on the game and the tools, we offer a very short questionnaire to express you opinion on this experience!
And now, it’s time to play and enjoy!
If you are not familiar with escape games, this document is made for you! It introduces you to the concept of an escape game (what it is, how it works, main features…). It also presents the hybrid version of an escape game.
The game master is significant for the smooth running of the escape game and its success. This document presents the different missions you will be in charge of and includes many tips to make you a great game master!
These instructions will guide you step by step in the installation of the escape game in your own space (preparation of the clues and riddles, installation of the room, checklist, technical installation for the hybrid version…)
This document will guide you in your role as a game master, before, during and after the game. It includes the explanation of the game’s structure, the solution to the riddles, the rules to give the players, instruction to start the game…
This document guides you to lead the debriefing that is significant since it allows the players to acquire knowledge tackled in the game.
This PDF document gathers all the elements you will have to print to implement the game (clues, scenic elements, hints…).
This includes intro and outro videos that immerse the players, the trailer of the game and some tutorial videos to install the game.
This includes pedagogical resources on blockchain, bitcoin and money laundering topics as well as on escape games.
Game created by La Transplanisphère (Paris) and Ohi Pezoume (Athens) as part of the European Integrity Games project
Artistic direction: Bruno Freyssinet
Artistic collaboration: Marion Pollet
Script and game design: Bruno Freyssinet, Odysseas Velentzas, Marion Pollet, Nora Röders, Aleksander Pappalardo, Ester Davanzo, Kennedy Cassy, Enzo Laverny, Théophile Gambarota
Video presentation: Bruno Freyssinet
Advisors: Frédéric Devic (Immersia – Escape Game Paris), Patrice Nadam and Mélanie Fenaert (Scape Collective), Pierre Noro (Sciences Po), Ikigai Games
Kit conception and design: Marion Pollet
Graphic Design: Bruno Freyssinet
Pictures: Pixabay – Chiaravi, Frank Nürnberger, Peter Dargatz, ceparedonda, Kranich17, Tilgnerpictures, suesun, Edi Nugraha, Pete Linforth, edmondlafoto, Leonhard Niederwimmer, Gonbiana, WikiImages, nonbirinonko, SofieLayla Thal, DEZALB, Wilfried Santer, Tamás Lieber, Leonid Radashkovsky, Greg Montani, Nadine Doerlé, Sammy-Williams
Icons: NounProject – DinosoftLab, Trever Dsouza, Juicy Fish, Travis Avery, Siipkan Creative
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to the people that have tested the game and gave feedback on it, including participants of the Blockchain European workshop – Anne Sturm, David Cassel, Klara Rousseau, Konstantinos Kekkas, Christoff Bleidt, Vasileios Liaskovitis, Hugo Coelho, Diogo Cinza, Julio Rebocho, Riccardo Benvenuti, Katerina Protonotariou and Amaia Cid – as well as Camille Gaumont and the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre team. Thanks also to the Lycée Albert Schweitzer, the OECD and the 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum for hosting our events to test and promote the game.
Funders: EIG benefits from the support of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership and the City of Paris.
European Integrity Games project has received the Paris-Europe Label 2021 from the City of Paris
